#NewTitle is my new favorite daily pastime. This is a repository for all of the classic titles that I've contrived. Obviously, I'd rush to see all of these movies theatrically if they existed. This list will be periodically updated with subjoined additions.
- Too Much Trouble in Jeepus Flakes
- Three Slobs and a Barfbag
- Mr. Belvedere vs. The Rape Bandits II
- Sweet Babytoes Girlmagick (It's Our Second Movie): Defeat that Cafe's Pervert!! We'll Escort You to the Prison Gymnasium
- Zulu Hitler Against the Liberian Strangler V: Vacation in Jakarta
- Dark Phallus: The Legend of Dracula's Dick
- The Mouth Agape 2: The Terri Schiavo Story
- You F****** N*****!!
- The Pap Smear Murders
- Cut it Out!! Sweaty Groper Seeking Subway Love VII: Give Me Your Clitoris
- DefCon-4: Breakfast in Detroit
- Emetic Rivalry: The Great American Puke-off
- My Dream, My Joy, My Divorce
- Paraplegic Rape Artist in London: The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Look Who's Jacking
- God is My Co-Pilot: The Passion of Mohamed Atta
- Skunk Juice
- Strokin' Out 3: Stroganoff Blues
- Jack/Off
- Jack/Off 2: Jacked Offer
- Jack/Off 3: Jack Harder
- Jack/Off 4: Jackin' Over
- Jack/Off: Hard/On
- Jack/Off: Grippin' Fury
- Jack/Off: The Return of Billy
- Your Coffin....My Toilet
- Little Mimsy's Day Out: The Final Conflict
- Ronald Madonna's Cosmetic Surgeries in Prison
- Sweet Babytoes Girljanitors: There's a Monster in Nagoya's Sewer?! We're Going to be Sick, His Smelly Hair is Reeking: Wendigo
- Who the F*** is Rick Rape?
- The Murder of Chuck Bhunghus by the Retard Ethan Klein
- The Bible 3: Jesus Has Guns Now
- Who is Stephenne Reemusse and Why is He Standing Outside My Apartment Building and Discussing My Finances, Car, Sex Life, and Agronomical Theses With Passerby?
- On the Toilet 2: All Weekend Long
- Testament 2
- Tiddley Snidely's Bitsley Snippets
- Tiddley Snidely and the Grimoire of Ghormangoop
- Tiddley Snidely's Fribbolouse Funworks
- Tiddley Snidely and the Dungeon of Snitherous Meanman
- Hogwash: The Beer That Saved America
- The N*****s
- Sweet Babytoes Girldefense: Get Out of Here, UFOs!! Those Aliens are Voyeuristic Perverts; Stop Zooming In On Our Panties From Orbit
- Ass Above, So Blow
- Punching Kids, Part I: The First Triumph
- Punching Kids, Part II: The Little Prick Was Asking for It
- Punching Kids, Part III: Self-Defense for the Little Lady
- Punching Kids, Part IV: Schoolyard Thunderdome
- Schindler's List II: The Lean Years
- Horse Bullets: The Bullets They Used to Kill Horses
- Horse Bullets II: Jury Bullets: The Bullets They Used to Kill that Damned Jury
- Mexican Machete Massacre IV: Bloodbath at BronyCon
- Envy Speaks: Threats of the Green Goblina
- The Abortioning
- The Abortioning, Part II: Ectopic Monstrosity
- The Abortioning, Part III: Justice for Madre Martinez
- The Abortioning, Part IV: Eugenics in Gary
- The Abortioning, Part V: Some Called it Rape
- The Abortioning, Part VI: Ruckus of the Third Trimester
- The Abortioning, Part VII: Captive Bolt Gunslinger and the Mutant Ghetto Waterslide
- The Abortioning, Part VIII: RoboHitler's Revenge in Baltimore
- The Abortioning, Part IX: Saving Suburbia
- The Abortioning, Part X: Unto Toilet
- The Abortioning, Part XI: The Final Liquidation
- The Abortioning, Part XII: Afterbirth
- The Abortioning, Part XIII: Fatal Fetus in Orbit
- The Abortioning, Part XIV: Planned Parenthood Strikes Back
- Story of Liu Ping: Money Belt
- This Dream, This Life, This Cholecystectomy
- No Greater Love: The Tale of Fluffins II and Bipsy Mittens
- One Last Quimp
- Death Comes for Lantrell
- They Rape Horses, Don't They?
- The Suicides of November
- Sweet Babytoes Girlretail: It's Our First Job!! We Won't Wear the Cursed Plaid Skorts
- Scrotal Tortion: First Contact
- Shut Up Mom, You Whore
- Shut Up Mom, You Phony Priest
- Shut Up Mom, You Child Molester
- Shut Up Mom, You Horsejacker
- Soy Peeters: Secret King of Tomorrow
- Soy Peeters and the Hospitalization of the Vegan Commune
- Soy Peeters and the True Stories of r/elections
- Soy Peeters Against the Cholesterol Denialists
- Soy Peeters and the Fellow Virgins of r/starwarsspeculation
- Soy Peeters's Purity Spiral: Ejected from the Champlain Valley Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America
- Sweet Babytoes Girldocents: Gaijin are Disgusting!! Rude Tourists Won't be Guided Until They Apply Deodorant and Stop Talking
- Solid Gold Ghetto Throat: How the Sauced-Up Voice of Marquavious Ripped this Nation's Ass
- Miracle Mile II: Return of the Living Dead VI
- Blanket Immunity for Horses
- Period #1470: The Flow That Broke the Blood Bank
- I Want My Gun!
- Brake Line: Cut; Toilet: Missing; Car Window: Open
- Mr. Belvedere Faces the Six Scheming Shriners
- Six Bullets, Twelve Jurors
- Salaryman's Rape in Self-Defense!! This Hooker Tried to Blackmail Me
- Eat Lead, Grampa Rapist
- Those Rocket-Launching Whores of Metro Tampa
- Old Piss Granny
- Gregg's Diaperifle
- The President's Prostate is Missing
- Forbidden Verities: 271K
- Forbidden Verities: 14/52
- Forbidden Verities: Cher's Reconstructions
- Forbidden Verities: The Private Rites of Abramovic
- Oops! I Shit it Again
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